
Individual Psychotherapy

Individualized treatment is offered in a knowledgeable and inviting setting. Session length and treatment duration are tailored to work in concert with the specific needs and desires of each patient. From intensive short-term therapy to longer-term therapy, treatment plans are adapted for each individual and are neither rushed nor prolonged.

A compassionate environment - Focusing as much on personal strengths as on challenges, therapy is provided in an encouraging atmosphere of genuine respect, authenticity, and warmth. Any obstacle or challenge is more tolerable when confided and understood in a relationship based on trust, support, and encouragement.

A commitment to progress - Psychotherapy should provide the possibility of change from the very first session, helping establish a clear goal and supportive path. A well-defined therapy is offered that provides the possibility for an accelerated approach to treatment, the realization of personal growth, and greater peace of mind.

Couple’s Therapy

Dr. Fallynn is equally passionate about working with couple’s who are struggling in their relationship. Sometimes this struggle is due to an affair, one partner battling addiction, codependency, love avoidance, love addiction, and various other relationship conflicts.


Dr. Fallynn supervises psychology interns from the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. She has been associated with the center since 2009. She offers both individual and group supervision. A supervisor is not a ‘boss’ but a consultant, providing the student an opportunity to review their work with patients.


In health care, clinicians and patients commonly seek independent second opinion consultations about diagnoses and treatment approaches. Dr. Cox is available for consultations with other professionals and patients.

The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.

— Carl Jung